Yes, it is rewarding. :) Thank You God for letting me see all this. At times when I feel tired, thank You for showing me that it's worth it.
Last week, I wrote simple and short letters to some people I barely know. Only because they seem troubled and looked like they could use a little extra push of encouragement. What I got today from one of the girls I wrote to really surprised me. It was not only pleasant, that sweet look on her face could bring me to tears. While we were talking in the kitchen at church, she came up to me and told me she really really loved my letter and she kept it in her wallet. At times when defeat is upon her, she'd open it up for a quick read.
There I was cutting watermelon for her, and there she was standing beside me. She said that I was 'observant'. I paused. I looked at her. If I could squeeze her face at that moment, I would. I know that face too well. It was the kind of look I would give to people around me often. The look that really wanted to thank a person for everything he/she has done, but you just know that no words or no actions can ever express the gratitude you have welled up inside.
And then it hit me that I should be the grateful one. Thank You God for letting me experience such a precious moment. Thank You for helping me reach out to this sweet, young child. I pray that she continues to grow step by step with You. I pray that in her everything, You are there. I pray that one day, her life will be able to give Your name glory, more than she can ever imagine.
Thank You, Jesus. :)