Monday, October 29, 2012

My first birthday

Today, well yesterday, but still technically today since I have not gone to bed yet, is my first birthday! :)

How quick time passes and now I have known the Lord personally for a whole year. In this one year, I truly experienced and learnt a lot. The best gift of all was for me to receive Father's love and also learning to love others. :)

I can say this has been the best year in my life. I can finally use the phrase, "the old has gone, the new has come". With Jesus one year ago, I was reborn. :)

My life has been ever transforming. I've slowly matured all thanks to Him, and also to my brothers and sisters around me.

It was heartwarming to hear people saying "Happy Birthday" to me. It might sound silly to many, but I know their joy when they say it. :) Having someone new joining the kingdom of God, that feeling is indescribable. So yeah, silly no more! Thank you all lovely people!!

His love makes me wanna praise more, makes me wanna sing more, makes me wanna dance, makes me wanna share, makes me wanna give, makes me wanna love. His love brings happy tears to my eyes. His love brings everlasting joy and peace to me. He is SO BIG. It's just so touching to be able to call a person SO MIGHTY my Father.

Next year will be even greater, with more testimonies to share, more blessings to give and receive, and more people around me discovering His great love.

Thank you, Abba.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!!! hahaha... thank you for sharing your story... it's always always heart warming to listen to stories of how a person gets to know God and His love, and how He continually, faithfully, carrying the person through... I'm so glad for you!

    Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:
    Who created all these?
    He who brings out the starry host one by one
    and calls forth each of them by name.
    Because of his great power and mighty strength,
    not one of them is missing.
    imagine... a God, who put this entire universe in place, so majestic, so grand, has invited you, to call him Abba, literally, daddy, intimately MY FATHER... I long to hear your story again next year!

  2. AH SENG! u are teong seng isit? ahahahha :) Thanks for the lovely comment! Yes, I will continually post my stories with God, because these stories are really worth writing down. When I read back, I get inspired again and again by His grace and awesomeness!!!

    :) God bless you!
