Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do I

owe anyone an explanation?

Words, why would you evade me at a time like this? I can't put everything in words.

Ever wondered how important your words are to someone? For example, a husband would take his wife' words so importantly because he trusts her. A daughter would believe the words her mother chooses to tell her.

Our words are so impactful. Especially to those who treasure us. The more our value is to them, the more valued our words. Instead, how many of us think of this before we choose to speak?

Today, a person might have probably told his/her parents about a certain friend. His/her parents would have completely believed in him/her. But what if, WHAT IF that person's words weren't true?

What if we say things so lightly without knowing how much weight it would have brought to another person we were talking about?

How careful is careful enough?

I've been reading a lot lately. And I came across an article. "Gossip is never good because the other person is not there to defend himself."

This brought realisation to me. But I guess the realisation will never hit deep until we're the ones people are talking about. Whatever we say after are merely just attempts to save ourselves from their already blotched thoughts. Whatever we say after will never have an impact greater than the first news. Whatever we say after probably won't even matter anymore.

God is almighty. Despite all our fall shorts, He still loves us. It is hard to even love myself, and to have Him loving me, I feel overwhelmed.

I can't wait till the day I can stand up tall, 
after going through all this, telling everyone,
 "I got over it because I ran to my God. :)"

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